Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. Vata, pitta, and kapha - collectively known as the doshas - are one of the most foundational concepts in the tradition of Ayurveda.
HOW TO MAKE PRANAYAMA ORGANIC AYURVEDIC HERBAL TEA: Use 1 tablespoon of loose tea per cup. Add 100°C filtered water. Serve on its own or sweeten it to taste. INGREDIENTS: Ginger bits organic, eucalyptus...
HOW TO MAKE DRISHTI AYURVEDIC HERBAL TEA: Use 1 tablespoon of loose tea per cup. Add 100°C filtered water. Serve on its own or sweeten it to taste. INGREDIENTS: Liquorice roots organic, fennel organic,...
HOW TO MAKE ASANA ORGANIC AYURVEDIC HERBAL TEA: Use 1 tablespoon of loose tea per cup. Add 100°C filtered water. Serve on its own or sweeten it to taste. INGREDIENTS: Cinnamon pieces...